Thursday, March 10, 2016

Certain laws of the science of getting rich

The Experiment of Self-Help

Self-help and personal improvement books have been gaining momentum for so long. Among all these books, topics on wealth creation and personal finance are the center of all these interest. However, some books just separate themselves from the substance that it presents rather than the form that most self-help books possess. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is definitely one of these books that hold much substance.

From the title, this book contends that there is an exact science in wealth creation which can be compared to the hard sciences today like chemistry in physics. Thus, there is an assumption that there are laws that guides the process of how to get rich and be financially free. This puts the pressure on the reader to follow the methods rather than the rhetoric. In addition, the reader is given the certainty that one can get rich with these laws.

Wattles wrote this at a time when the period of enlightenment is slowly turning into a period of modernism. That is why there are many parallel books about getting rich that is anchored on modernism; that is having a sense of certainty in achieving wealth if one focuses on a purpose and do everything to achieve it completely. In those times, people start working hard through failure to get things right. While today’s getting rich books talk about leveraging, The Science of Getting Rich is a treatise of creativity.

Bridging the Art and Science of Making Money

While this claims certainty, it is also much a philosophical book in its time. Wattles talks about the value of having a unified theory, which is a Hindu philosophy slowly entering the Western mind. The theses on wealth creation now lie where richness takes place in this universal system. Wattles therefore will tell you that everyone has the right to be rich in this system and he lays out the groundwork for people to achieve this right.

Wattles define the Science of Getting Rich as the advancement of man and development of life. People should have an affirmative attitude of getting rich as his right. Here, Wattles connect getting monetary wealth with the ability to acquire our basic needs while finding ways to grow individually.

Competitiveness VS Creativity

Perhaps the main principle of the book is the shift from competitiveness to creativity. This thought, again a highly Eastern thinking, states that people do not have to step on each other’s toes to get rich. Instead, it is our call to create. The will to create allows us to have a vision of what we want to do, a path to where want to go, and the motivation to continue to focus on creating wealth. Getting rich is therefore an exercise of clarity of the big picture and should not be regressed to small battles laid out by competition.

Wattles’ book weighs upon the advance of all. In a company, you have to give people more than you can take from him. This allows you and your peers to have the momentum to move forward. Remember, that in order for a business organization to grow, you have to take your people with you. Expansion for your selfish profit will leave you with more fools than smart people. This is an example of living the certain way and abiding under the law of attraction. To attract wealth is to be positive about it.

The Science of Getting Rich is a transcendent book with ideas that still applies today. Financial freedom is only possible if you are not guarded by your competition. Instead, your potential is without limit if you seek creativeness. This book pushes you to look forward instead of looking behind to your disappointing past or sideward to your grueling competitors. This change of perspective is what all people need today in a highly competitive world.

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