Monday, October 31, 2016

Network marketers is it useful to combine selling and recruiting

The "mistake" of mixing product offer with recruitment is one of the prime reasons why a downline fails. It doesn't work, it's never worked, and it never will work.

The cynic in me says that the reason it's taught that way is that the product is so overpriced that the MLM company fully realizes the only people who'll buy it is recruits at "wholesale" price. In truth, there is no true consumer market for these products.

There are a whole bundle of practices that many MLM companies teach that are counter-productive to survival, let alone to success. And I have to say that even though 95% of mainstream small business fails, it still provides better strategies than MLM teaches.

I fervently believe that mainstream strategies sell a lot more product, and that out of those customers you can select committed "product-o-philes" who will form a high-performing, sustainable downline. In fact most times they'll identify themselves to you. The "pull" method of marketing instead of the "push" method.

The "in your face" (or even subtle) sales pitches of MLM simply repel people. So people in network marketing really need to study how professional sales people go about networking, prospecting, and selling, and move in that direction.

Most countries have a government department which is dedicated to supporting small business and provide low-cost or free business and marketing training (e. g. Small Business Administration in the US). That can be a great place to start when you're doing your best to figure out what works, and what is basically BS.

You hear pure internet marketers talking about "the list" and "the gold is in the list". The "list" or "data base" is a list of people who've given you permission to stay in touch with them.

These are people who visit your web site for instance, and click on a form to leave their name and email address with you, specifically giving permission to email them in future.

Of course they're only going to do that if you present them with an irresistible offer, which will usually be a free information product that you've done enough research on to know that your target audience would just about walk over broken glass to get hold of.

From then on you email regularly, each time giving them more snippets of great information, demonstrating expertise, earning trust and respect, and in fact building a solid relationship with your target market.

These people are far more likely to take up offers on particular products that you might recommend. If you're sending out a newsletter, they're far more likely to click on links that take them to your web site for more information, or to actually purchase product.

The people who actually purchase from you would go on a special separate data base also, because you want to intensify your relationship with them - take it to the next level. Some of them will put themselves forward as possible recruits - perhaps not blatantly, but by writing to you with a fantastic testimonial for instance.

So the steps are:

1 Build the relationship

2 Convert some of those to sales

3 Convert some of those to recruits (and of course these recruits are more likely to have "stickability" than someone you've chosen merely because they had a pulse and $50 or whatever to sign up with).

End result: you sell a lot more product in the long run, you enjoy your target market a lot more, you build real relationships with potential recruits, and you get to pick out people who really do have the ability, the passion for the product, and the commitment to build the business. Best of all, you've already been training them in a strategy that works because they've been part of the process from the beginning. So you're going to build downlines that have a chance at not just surviving, but thriving.

You might see fellow network marketers building fast downlines with "hundreds" or claiming that, but in fact it's all BS. Most of those downlines fail right from the start. It's a lot better to build your downlines slowly and solidly, so they're sustainable and provide true ongoing passive income.

Switching broadband suppliers a guide

Being an advanced broadband user you should always keep note of latest happening in the broadband area. If your current broadband contract is at its finishing stage, switching to a better provider is sensible to do.

Migrating from providers for your beneficial should be a habit if want to be a matured or advanced broadband user. As you have already used the broadband for a term, it would have transformed you to be an advanced user and so you can confidently look out for a provider who will fulfill your current needs. Same like as a new user before, you again need to make sure that you have identified you broadband needs prior to comparing the providers and their packages.

The very fact is that migrating to another broadband provider will sure save you money on choosing a better package from the new provider. As you are familiar now with the broadband you know what all you need from a provider like speed, download limit, cost etc. Again, you have to be well known with few other terms being a user to switch your provider and one such is MAC.

What is MAC?

Most broadband providers have a code of practice designed to fasten the migration process. This works on an idea that you current provider supply you a code using which your new provider take you to their broadband without any major actions and formalities. This broadband transfer code is called Migration Authority Code or MAC. So your broadband does not get any interruption because of switching the provider and you work on it as usual.

So when you are in a situation of changing your provider it is important not to terminate your connection with your current provider. The MAC system does the job for you with ease in much simpler and quicker way without any hassle.

Changing between Cable and ADSL

ADSL and cable being completely from different technologies, instead migration you simply need to terminate the existing service and start with another. Also, when you are suppose to terminate your ADSL service, confirm with the termination date so that you can avoid too much of having both type of services at same time for which you may need to pay.

For switching from cable to ADSL, you need to have a phone line and your local exchange should be an ADSL converted. You should confirm this before starting your switch.

How much time it take to change a provider?

Approximately, it takes a week of time to change to new provider and this can vary among providers. You should make sure the transfer date of the service with your new provider. Once after the confirmation of your change, your new provider has to take the necessary actions to avoid further subscriptions being billed from your old provider.

Finally, steps for switching

1. Do an extensive search and find out the best package, matching your current needs.

2. Contact your current provider to inform them of your termination of service and request your MAC code. However, this won’t be so easy because they may negotiate to keep their business intact with you.

3. Keep in mind, don’t terminate your existing service instantly if you are switching to another ADSL provider.

4. Found your new provider! Submit the MAC code to your new provider and take up the new service.

5. During, be careful that the older and new service stays together at same time, billing you needlessly.

What next? Soon, enjoy your new broadband internet with better comfort as you desired.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Reliable web site hosting - what to look for

As the use of the Internet increases every day, with more people than ever before utilizing the World Wide Web to find products and services they need, reliable web site hosting becomes a bigger issue. Consumers will not continue using companies who have web sites that are slow loading or are constantly having technical difficulties and down time. It could be the death of a growing online company to have a site that’s unavailable for any legthy time frame because of a server problem. The choice of a reliable web site hosting company is then imperative.

Online companies along with individuals will want to select a reliable web hosting company that also offers great customer service, fair and competitive pricing plus first class management. There are some suggestions you will want to remember when looking for a reliable web hosting company. If you are seeking quality and reliability you will want to do a some research before you make your final decision.

When you are ready to start a web site either for business or personal needs, you need to find a reliable hosting service. The reason for this is because that will be the place you keep the web pages for viewing by consumers and possible business clients. If you are just starting with an online presence either as an e-commerce venture or even as an individual you want to first understand the basics of web hosting. A server is a computer that gets the requests for pages or files from the Internet. When someone types in a domain name a server somewhere is accessed. It then shows the requested pages or files to the computer requesting the information. Another way to look at a reliable web host is, they are a landlord renting you space on their computer to others. You then have a choice between shared hosting or dedicated hosting. The difference is evident in the name. A shared host shares it’s server with more than one client and a dedicated host has one client on it’s server. Dedicated servers normally are used by e-commerce sites that require a large amount of space disk space and more personal management plus cost a little more.

As the Internet is growing so is the number of companies offering hosting services and the more competitive the market is becoming. Some offer inexpensive monthly prices, some even offer free hosting. As a business free web hosting may sound like a great solution however; having a website that is also shows advertising that may or may not compete with your online business is not a very good idea. In general a free web host does not have the quality of customer service a paid reliable web hosting company would have. These servers are also normally crowded with personal web pages and have limited options. Many have technical issues that may include down times which could have a negative effect on your new business. These are all factors you need to consider.

Paying more for a reliable web hosting company is a better option. You want to make a good entrance into the web and if you are already established you want to keep your appearance and your clients experiences positive. Another issue to think about is future expansion. A reliable web hosting company can offer a multitude of services and packages to grow as you do. When choosing a reliable web hosting company think of it as a long term business arrangement.

Before looking into reliable hosting options make a list of what is going to be important to you. This not only in regards to the web site, but to other aspects such as budgets, what you want to accomplish, short and long term goals. All these factors need to be considered. Sit down with other companies about their relationships involving several different reliable web hosting companies. This may give you a great place to start your search.

We mentioned budgets which most start up businesses need to deal with. A word of caution here, a reliable web host may not necessarily be the cheapest but you will get what you pay for. Reliable web hosting can be found at a price to fit just about every imaginable budget.

The Author owns and operates sevral sites for Web Site Hosting and Rss Feed Readers

What e-bay gets from sellers

E-Bay has indeed changed the way sellers handle business nowadays. In some cases, sellers in E-Bay are really dependent on the service up to the point that they are financially dependent on the system. Despite of that, E-Bay has a continuous growth rate and appears much bigger and financially capable than before. What do they really get from sellers?

According to E-Bay officials, they act as the middleman for customers and sellers. Their site is a portal in which both the sellers and buyers could meet and have an interaction regarding the items that are for sale. If compared to the more realistic setting, E-Bay is the online version of a flea market and instead of the buy and sale way of transaction, the flea market holds an auction and whoever has the highest big would be able to get the item. This is exactly what happens in E-Bay. The only difference is that the whole world gets to participate in the bidding process. E-Bay usually charges a certain amount to sellers who wish to have a space in e-bay’s portal. The terms of payment could vary depending on the intent of the sellers regarding how long they would be able to maintain their business. There are different paying schemes like monthly, quarterly, and yearly. Most transactions are handled online.

Through this system, E-Bay would be able to earn some money before sellers could be able to sell their products and items. Whenever a product is sold, E-Bay does not receive a percentage over any successful transactions. Aside from that, E-Bay also has certain rates for advertising charges. If sellers would like to advertise more their products through E-Bay, they need to buy a certain amount. Advertising products or goods is a good way to sell product because people would be able to see the ad and potential customers could be able to inquire about the product.

On the other hand, E-Bay offers the convenience of online shopping just right at the tips of the buyer’s fingernails. This is really a treat considering the busy lifestyles that people have these days. E-Bay offers the sellers a chance to service those people that have money to purchase such items but does not have the time to go out and actually have time to buy everything that they like. The relationship between E-Bay and sellers is actually a mutual and beneficial one which is also the reason why it works.

Women are major electronics consumers

Women are taking a greater interest in, and have a more sophisticated understanding of electronics than ever before.

Women actually spent more on technology last year than men, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. It says women accounted for $55 billion of the $96 billion spent on electronics gear (statistic from a January 6 CEA press release).

Women are increasingly interested in gadgets, from DVD players to digital cameras, for themselves or birthday gifts for their families.

Almost a third of women consider themselves early adopters willing to buy cutting-edge consumer technology.

CEA reported that women in the United States are becoming more likely to use consumer electronics. CEA's study provides detailed information about the attitudes, purchase considerations, decision influences, purchase channels, current product ownership, and future purchase intent. Here are some of the findings:

• Women are involved in 89 percent of all consumer electronics purchase decisions.

• 84% of women believe that new technologies can improve their lives.

• 48% of women age 18–34 own a digital camera.

The CEA survey noted that women have very positive reactions to specific technology areas, like HDTV, cell phones, and digital photography.

Women have more buying power and they increasingly use technology to manage their busy schedules. Women's comfort level with technology is at an all-time high.

Women want products that make it easy to connect and make it easy to operate; limited wiring or no wires at all; slim, well-designed products; making electronics available in different colors is not very important; low on setup and high on usability. Usability often is an important factor to women when they buy technology;

At CES, organizers hung big pink banners saying "Technology is a Girl's Best Friend," even though the group's own research found a third of women surveyed don't like products with girlie colors.

Nearly three-quarters of women surveyed complained about being ignored or patronized by sales people when shopping for electronics.

A growing number of companies are starting to target their wares toward female buyers.

Sony is outfitting its electronics with features that many women seek and is designing Sony Style retail stores to appeal to women’s preferences by creating an environment where women feel comfortable. Many of Sony’s efforts are focused on functionality.

Women are becoming informed and involved in technology areas where they once had little or no presence.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Gentian violet an effective treatment for thrush

What is gentian violet?

Gentian violet sounds like something that is very sophisticated but actually it is not. It certainly is not a color but rather gentian violet is just a quite popular treatment for thrush. Thrush occurs because of infections on the skin or mucous membranes inside the mouth and may infect both infants and adults.

People at special risk for developing thrush are the following: newborn babies, denture users, adults with diabetes or other metabolic disturbance, people undergoing antibiotic or chemotherapy treatment, drug users, people with poor nutrition and people with an immune deficiency. These people or the people around them, whichever is applicable, should be extra observant so that any signs or symptoms of thrush can be detected and then treated right away otherwise the condition has a chance of worsening.

It is a belief of many that gentian violet is the most effective treatment of nipple soreness for breastfeeding mothers. The mothers who have used gentian violet can attest that relief is rapid so meaning it usually works right when you need it meaning as soon as possible but make sure that the dosage is right. To be discussed in the paragraphs to follow are some of the suggestions to people who use and about to use gentian violet for thrush. These next items will indeed be very useful to gentian violet users.

Gentian violet can be messy so timing, though not everything in this case, of the application of this treatment is essential. Most mothers prefer to doing the treatment just before they get a good night’s sleep because during those house they can keep their nipples exposed thus no need to worry about staining their clothes while the application is in progress.

The effect of the gentian violet for thrush is sort of immediate and in most cases thrush is one hundred percent gone by the third day if not then consider applying affected areas for a few more days. If problem persists then it is time to consult your doctor.

If baby is irritable while being nurse by a mother who uses gentian violet for thrush then the mother should stop using the gentian violet immediately and then go see a doctor instead for other possible suggestions for the treatment of the thrush.

There are other ways to cure thrush but gentian violet is still the one thing that people readily look for when thrush occurs. In this case there is a need to make sure that it is the genuine gentian violet for thrush and not some rip off medicine that you have in hand. This is so because some people are questioning the credibility of gentian violet and some attribute the failed times of gentian violet to fake products that do not have same ingredients as the real gentian violet.

These are just some of the things that users of gentian violet for thrush should be aware of. The notes are just easy to remember. It is now possible for you to recall how and why gentian violet should be used for thrush. If unfortunately one day you wake up and discover that you have thrush then you can use the information in this article for your own good. Otherwise you can always provide the information you have read to a very worried mother whose kid has thrush but who knows nothing about gentian violet.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How to use diamond tool to cut steel in micro machining

The diamond tool is commonly used in micro-machining as it can withstand the micro hardening of the workpiece surface during micro-machining. This micro-hardening creates enough resistance to break the tool bit easily in micro milling, but not a diamond tool. Micro-machining using diamond tool could be performed at high speeds and generally fine speeds to produce good surface finish such as mirror surfaces and high dimensional accuracy in non-ferrous alloys and abrasive non-metallic materials.

However, if a diamond tool were to be used to cut steel, one of the most common engineering materials used in industries, the diamond tool will face severe tool wear. While diamond only softens at 1350 degree Celsius and melts at 3027 degree Celsius, and is also the hardest material in the world, it has a weakness. Diamond succumbs to graphitization, which means that it will change its crystal structure to graphite crystal structure at 200 degree Celsius in the presence of a catalyst metal such as carbon steel and alloys with titanium, nickel and cobalt.

There have been various attempts to improve the tool life of the diamond tool while cutting steel so as to improve the efficiency and profitability of this operation. Such processes include micro-cutting the steel workpiece in a carbon-rich gas chamber as well as a cryongenically cooled chamber. However, these methods require costly equipment modification and restrict direct supervision of the micro-cutting process.

The latest breakthrough came when the diamond tool was subject to ultrasonic vibration during micro-cutting. It has been shown that a diamond tool subject to ultrasonic vibration can cut the steel well enough to produce a mirror surface finish with acceptable tool life. The ultrasonic vibration at the diamond tool tip allows the tool face to cool down considerably during the cutting process and delays the chemical reaction between the diamond tool and the steel workpiece. As a result, the diamond tool life is increased by a few hundred times.

For example, a single crystal diamond tool with feedrate 5 micron/revolution, cutting speed zero to 5m/min and depth of cut 10 micron was attached to a ultrasonic vibration generator so that the diamond tool tip vibrated about 4 microns while it was used to cut stainless steel. The mirror surface finish of the cut steel surface was measured at 8 nm Ra!

With more and more machining companies moving into the niche micro machining field, such ultrasonic vibration assisted cutting can only help the progressive company to achieve process leadership and innovative differentiation.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A top kenya safari lodge in meru national park

As a Top Kenya Safari Lodge to stay in on your in Kenya Safari you need look no further than Leopard Rock Lodge in the Meru National Park, one of the last great wilderness places in Kenya.

This is a Park you can’t afford to miss even although it is a good eight hours away by car from Nairobi, though pretty quick by aeroplane!!

A Kenya Safari Holiday shouldn’t be all about having to put up with basic accommodation when you can have luxury even if it comes at a price.

Leopard Rock Lodge is quite unique in that it is where George and Joy Adamson set up their camp, and where they got their famous baby lioness Elsa.

Leopard Rock Lodge is unfenced which means that the wild animals come inside the lodge which means it is unsuitable for small children under the age of seven, but this adds immeasurably to the visitors Kenya Safari Experience.

When you take a safari, any safari, never mind a Kenya safari holiday, your choice of accommodation is of the utmost importance. It needs to be very close to water to give you great views of the game in the area when they come to drink. It is also important that there is a good variety of game to view. The food should also be of high quality, and it is a bonus if there is a swimming pool to relax in after game drives. The accommodation needs to be comfortable and relaxing, and of high quality, and the game drives escorted by accomplished guides and trackers, so you can see what you want, and not what they want.

Leopard Rock Lodge scores on all these counts.

It is exclusive and overlooks a river which plays host to hippos and crocodiles, many species of birds, and is visited by a great deal of wildlife that comes to drink.

Leopard Rock Lodge is one of the best Kenya Safari Lodges because of the accommodation which consists of fifteen luxury cottage suites with private terrace overlooking the river and the bush, with two bathrooms and beautifully furnished in African style.

10 of the cottages are luxurious suites which included honeymoon cottages, and 5 are family cottages, all with natural ventilation

The glamorous open restaurant offers fine cuisine and wines, where formal dress is requested for dinner, which creates an atmosphere of Edwardian splendor. Once a week there is an African Open Air Kitchen Dining Experience which is not to be missed

There is even a swimming pool with a bar at the center of the pool, where you can watch the crocodiles basking on the river bank, and there is even viewing glass in the pool so you can look at them below you in the pool as you swim, which is very weird!!

There is a jacuzzi room, where you can get massages.

The activities available includes:

Daily Game Drives with knowledgeable trackers and guides in specially designed 4x4 Land Cruiser. Before your early morning drive, tea will be brought to your room.

Night drives

Visit the Rhino Sanctuary

See the grave of Elsa the lioness

Go to the swamps or Bisandi Reserve, or Kora National Park

Bird watching with a naturalist, which is perfect for any ornithologists

Going on guided nature walks

Treks along the river to view the Hippo Pool which is located inside the lodge which has a huge river frontage

Fishing under professional guidance and tuition on the river

Camel walking Expeditions.

In addition you can organise a bush breakfast in the wilderness, sundowners, picnic at Tana River Adamson’s falls.

There is no lack of things to do and see in Meru, and all done from the luxury of Leopard Rock Lodge and done in some style, making this possibly the best in Kenya safari holiday you could possibly have.

For more articles about In-Kenya Safaris go to in-kenyasafari. com/pages/Site-Map. html

Spike lee top films and unforgettable controversies

Spike Lee is one of the most influential and provocative American moviemakers. Recently, he celebrated the 20 year anniversary for the release of his remarkable debut film Shes Gotta Have It. His films are groundbreaking in their controversial approach towards social and political issues and offer different perspective on race, class and gender issues in contemporary America.

Spike Lee was born as Shelton Jackson Lee in 1957 in Atlanta, Georgia to a jazz musician and an art teacher. When Lee was a young child, the family relocated to Brooklyn, which was used as a background for many of Spike Lee's movies. Lee's talent was recognized while he was still a film student in NYU. His thesis film Joes Bed Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads won 1983 Student Academy Award for best director.

Spike Lee's debut movie Shes Gotta Have It was released in 1986. The movie was shot in 12 days in a budget of 175,000 dollars. The film was written, produced and directed by Spike Lee. Shes Gotta Have It tells the story of Nora Darling, a young, independent African American graphic designer who cannot commit to any of her three lovers. Tracy Camilla Jones played the role of Nora Darling. Tommy Redmond Hicks and John Canada Terrell along with Lee himself played the three men in Noras life.

Shes Gotta Have It was a landmark film in its presentation of African American characters in an American movie and part of the explosion of 80s independent movie industry. The African American community embraced the movie, which displayed a non stereotypical group of young, intelligent black American people. The film won the Prix de Jeuness at the Cannes film festival for the best new film by a newcomer.

The 1992 biographic epic Malcolm X is considered by many as Lee's best film. The 195 minutes movie depicts the story of the African American activist Malcolm X, from his early childhood to his assassination. Lee uses the Malcolm X story to confront the audience with the racial discrimination and violence that black people went through during the 1950s and 1960s in America.

Spike Lee's name was associated with many controversies. He was often accused of anti Semitism and racism for portraying Jews and Italians in his films a stereotypical manner. His 2001 television miniseries about one of the Black Panthers founders, Huey P. Newton, stirred another controversy, which helped establish Lee's image as a provocative and radical figures in the American film industry.

Lee's latest project is the documentary When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts, which tells the story of New Orleans post and pre hurricane Katrina. The four hours documentary is about the New Orleans culture, the damage caused by hurricane Katrina and the recovery efforts. Lee does not spare his critic on the government inadequate reaction to the destruction.

5 Top Movies Directed by Spike Lee

Do The Right Thing: this 1989 comic drama shows what happens in Brookline when the interracial tension heats up during the hottest day of the year. Starring: Spike Lee, Danny Aiello, John Turturro

Mo Better Blues: Denzel Washington as a jazz trumpeter who makes all the wrong decisions regarding his musical career and relationships.

Jungle Fever tells a pessimistic interracial love story between an African American man and an Italian American woman.

Girl 6 looks at the life of a young black actress who prefers working as a phone girl than being abused by movie directors

25th Hour is dedicated to the last 24 hours in the life of a New York drug dealer before his jail term begins.

Issues about the signs of appendicitis

It is important to pay attention to the signs of appendicitis if you suspect that you might be suffering from this illness. Appendicitis in general is a serious condition and in many cases it can even cause death. Appendicitis has many forms of manifestation in patients. There are two main types of appendicitis: chronic appendicitis and acute appendicitis. The signs of appendicitis in the chronic form of the illness are not always detectable. People with chronic appendicitis usually feel a generalized state of internal discomfort, fatigue and lack of energy. In the acute form of the illness, the signs of appendicitis are easier to detect, but they usually occur after the development of complications.

The signs of appendicitis have an unspecific character, also occurring in other conditions and diseases. The signs of appendicitis are usually more difficult to detect in elderly people, people with special conditions and very young children. Appendicitis refers to inappropriate activity of the vermiform appendix, a worm-shaped extension of the colon.

Appendicitis occurs due to blockage of the appendix and its ulterior infection with bacteria. In many cases, the blood vessels that irrigate the large intestine are also obstructed, speeding up the deterioration of the appendix and eventually causing its death. The most common form of treatment for appendicitis involves the extraction of the appendix from the body through a procedure called appendectomy. If the appendix isn’t surgically removed in time, it becomes enlarged, fills up with bacteria and it eventually bursts, causing serious internal complications.

Considering the fact that the illness usually evolves rapidly, it is important to timely spot the first signs of appendicitis. The most common sign of appendicitis is abdominal pain. Patients perceive this pain in different regions of the abdomen and at different intensities. However, this first sign of appendicitis usually occurs in the umbilical region and later localizes in the right lower side of the abdomen. The abdominal pain seems to amplify with physical effort and any kind of sudden moves. Abdominal pain on breathing, coughing or sneezing is also a sign of appendicitis.

Other signs of appendicitis are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal bloating, bad breath, fatigue and moderate fever.

Although these signs of appendicitis are common in people with acute forms of the illness, they don’t always occur in people with chronic appendicitis. There are also people with acute forms of illness that don’t have any signs of appendicitis at all. This special category of people includes: people with diabetes, people with HIV, people that have previously suffered surgical interventions (organ transplants) and obese people. In the case of people with special conditions, the signs of appendicitis are revealed late, therefore long after the illness becomes severe. Due to the fact that the signs of appendicitis are usually spotted late in some forms of the illness, the patients’ chances of recovery are considerably reduced.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Finding inexpensive lodging in europe

Many first time travelers make the incorrect assumption that a European vacation is beyond their means, but this is often not the case.

One of the biggest costs associated with any vacation, including travel to countries in Europe, is lodging, but it is possible to fund budget accommodations that are clean, safe and centrally located.

One of the secrets to finding affordable budget accommodations when traveling to Europe is to check out the many bed and breakfast hotels that are common in Europe. The average bed and breakfast in Europe is much different than its American counterpart.

Whereas many bed and breakfast’s in the United States are luxurious, and expensive destinations, Europeans generally regard bed and breakfast hotels as inexpensive places to stay, and they can be much more affordable than hotels in similar locations.

Most bed and breakfast hotels in European destinations are small, family run hotels.

In many cases, the family has their living quarters right on the premises, and the hotel generally provides free breakfast with the price of the room.

There are many places to look for European bed and breakfast hotels, including the Internet, destination travel guides, Internet news groups and travel review web sites.

While some of the larger bed and breakfast hotels have their own web sites, many do not, and word of mouth is often the best way to find them.

There are also booking services that will book the bed and breakfast hotel for you for a small fee (usually around 10%). These booking services can be very valuable, especially if you do not speak the local language.

Even if you did not plan ahead, chances are you will still be able to find an affordable bed and breakfast hotel when you arrive.

The arrivals area of most European airports has at least one booking desk to help travelers without reservations find affordable accommodations. Just be sure you have a local map handy so you don’t get stuck with a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

There are some important things to keep in mind when booking a bed and breakfast or similar budget accommodations in European destinations.

There are important differences in lodgings between Europe and the United States, and first time travelers to Europe are often caught unawares.

Below is a list of items to consider when booking lodging for your European vacation:

1. Your budget accommodations will likely be clean, but basic. In most cases the surroundings will not be fancy or luxurious, but they will be functional and clean.

2. The rooms at a budget hotel or bed and breakfast will probably be small, and closet space may be limited or even non-existent.

3. The least expensive rooms will have bathroom and shower facilities located down the hall, while more expensive rooms may have an in room bathroom and tub.

4. A room that has only a shower will usually be less costly than one that includes a bathtub as well. If this is an important consideration, be sure to ask about the bathroom facilities when making your reservation.

5. Rooms equipped with a double bed are generally less costly than those with twin beds.

6. If you are driving, there is almost always an extra charge for parking. Be sure to ask about the parking charge when making your reservation.

7. Be sure to buy a good map of the city you will be visiting, and make sure the hotel or bed and breakfast you choose is centrally located. It is often better to choose lodging that it within walking distance of several attractions you will be visiting, even if the room is slightly more expensive. Choosing a centrally located hotel or bed and breakfast will save you both time and money for transportation.

8. When booking your lodging, be sure the price you are quoted includes all local taxes and applicable fees.

How to pick a lasik eye surgeon

LASIK is referred to the surgery performed on the human eye to reshape the cornea, which eventually produces clearer vision and also reduces the person’s needs to wear spectacles or contact lenses. The short form of LASIK is Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. LASIK involves the use of a laser which is directed on the cornea of the eye to correct vision problems in a human being. LASIK is used to correct eye problems like myopia and astigmatism. The laser works on the eye by removing an exact amount of tissue from the cornea to restore clear vision in the patient. Today LASIK includes the use of new wave front guided technology in the custom LASIK system which provides better results than before.

Today we lay more emphasis on the how to pick a good LASIK surgeon. Though LASIK is not as difficult as other eye operations, care should be taken to see that it is being carried out by a professional doctor, as the eye is one of the most delicate organs of the human body. After all, the entire human eye is the most precious sense of the human body. You may find many advertisements in the newspapers offering LASIK surgery at affordable costs. You should always remember not to approach a particular surgeon just because he is offering his services at lower costs. In fact the cost of the surgery should be the last thing on your mind. Do not assume too much from advertising and make your own conclusions. Find out more about the reputation of the doctor or the institute from other sources like the consumer bureau or your friends or relatives. Find out if the surgeon is associated with any reputable medical center or a medical hospital. You can also ask your ophthalmologist to recommend good surgeons for LASIK. You can visit websites like the American Academy of Ophthalmology to get more information on a particular surgeon.

Also you should select a surgeon who is well versed with the latest techniques and procedures and keeps himself up to date of all the new information that is available in medical journals and bulletins. Ask the surgeon since how many years he is being practicing LASIK surgery. Ask him only about LASIK and not other eye related surgeries. A good surgeon should be performing refractive surgery for a minimum of 3 years and also he should have performed more than 500 surgeries at least.

Before going in for a surgery, it is necessary to make an appointment of consultation with the surgeon that you have finally selected. A good surgeon will conduct a thorough test on your eyes and then suggest the best procedure for you. He will explain to you the process in detail and also tell you the benefits after the surgery. The surgeon may tell you to follow some pre-operation procedures like applying eye drops some days before the operation. A good surgeon will always make you feel at ease before the operation, during the operation and after the operation. After consultation it is not necessary that you go for the surgeon. In case you are not comfortable with the surgeon then you can take a second opinion.

Also it is prudent to go for a surgeon who treats you like a friend and instills some confidence in you. He should be able to provide you a personal touch and should work hard to address your concerns and clear your doubts. A surgeon’s responsibility does not get over once the surgery is performed. He should check your eyes a week after your surgery and then recommend treatment procedures if any. In short he should be available whenever he is needed for anything even after the surgery.

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Dating The UK Success Stories


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We cannot possibly be happier and still have to pinch ourselves that what has happened is reality and for that we are so grateful that we both joined Kindred Spirits and have come together in such blissful harmony. This is a love story of the very best and most beautiful kind. Thank you Dating The UK

Friday, October 21, 2016

Re you doomed to failure in your business

Are you doomed to failure in your business? Many will tell you that. After all, most small business ventures fail sometime within the first five years. Many people, sometimes even though well meaning, will try to discourage you from starting your own business. They will say you have to have a natural aptitude and talent for being in business. Or they might say, you have to be a born entrepreneur. It’s your choice whether to believe them or not, but I say if you are motivated to start your own business chances are you have these qualities to some degree already.

Sure, there ARE skills that you absolutely need to have to be a successful businessperson. The good news though, is there are many ways to develop those skills along the way. Instead of focusing on those skills at first, you should be thinking about the qualities inherent to all good entrepreneurs.

First is perseverance. Remember your research paper/project you had to write back in school? Well this is your research project on steroids! At the beginning, you may learn many new things and concepts from your research that require further study and understanding. You move forward slow, but steady. The danger being, that you give up just before you find the particular information you are seeking. If you keep plugging away and compiling the necessary information, you will end up with very nice finished product. This persistence and perseverance is the same thing you need in business. You must keep at it until you get to the point of success.

In the business world, perseverance certainly can take you a long way but a second valuable attribute is for one to have thick skin. Needless to say, along your journey of building your business you are going to come across many individuals that would like nothing more than to see you fail so they can succeed. You will without a doubt encounter those who have nothing good to say and are only negative about what you need to do with your business. You must take most of it with a grain of salt otherwise it won’t be long before you are ready to hang it up and close shop. Take the constructive advice and tune out the completely negative.

Your ultimate success in your business venture will require perseverance, a thick skin, and finally, the ability to deal with… FAILURE! That’s right. Failure. Many of the most successful people in business and in life have had to deal with many more failures than you might imagine. What separates people like Bill Gates who in the 1970s was a Harvard dropout? Or Elvis Presley who after his first show was told “you ain’t going nowhere, son”. Or Walt Disney who was fired by a newspaper editor because he lacked good ideas? The most successful people in life and in business were failures multiple times in their efforts to be successful. What separated them is that they did not give up. You shouldn’t either. If you have just one of the three qualities I have spoken of here, make it your ability to deal with failures by seeing them as part of your success journey.

If you will persevere through setbacks, let the negativity of people around you regardless of their intentions roll off of your back, and DO NOT quit despite the failures that will come your way in your business, you will not be able to keep from succeeding. Go ahead and FAIL your way all the way to the top!

To Your Failures Leading To Your Success,


High quality women s reproductive health services

Established in 1979, American Women's Services is proud to lead the way in setting a standard for women’s healthcare. We are fully committed to providing proficient, excellent women's reproductive health services in a professional, caring, and compassionate manner. AWS has locations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia Beach. We are able to provide the best care because of the extensive knowledge and experience that our doctors, health care teams and administration bring to their work. Our services are provided in private office settings to assure confidentiality and individual support for each woman.

Our services include:
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We provide current and safe abortion services and specialize in non-surgical and surgical abortion. We also have full range of gynecology services including emergency contraception, prescriptions for contraception, diaphragm fittings, IUD/IUS placement, and tubal occlusion. American Women’s Services is an expert, service-oriented women's healthcare organization that respects women’s health care choices.

Our AWS physicians are experienced healthcare providers who are devoted to providing quality reproductive health care services for women. Our health care teams work in collaboration with the doctors in each office to ensure that every woman receives the information and counseling necessary to make important reproductive health care decisions. We strive to make every patient’s experience as personalized and smooth as possible.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, please call us toll-free, at 1-888-ABORTION , 24 hours a day to speak with one of our professionals who can answer your questions and make an appointment for you.

Consejos sabios para lenar el alma

Aquн te presento una lista de consejos para que no te sientas vaciу, y observar al pasado con una sonrisa. Las he obtenido de una persona que estaba al final de su vida y sintiу que hubiera hecho muchas cosas diferentes y ha recetado una serie de consejos para aquel que este interesado en cambiar.

1) Habla menos; escucha mбs.

2) Escucha a las historias de tus abuelos a cerca de su juventud. Cuando ya no este, revivirбs sus llamas por sus memorias.

3) Invita a amigos para cenar o picar algo, a pesar de que tu casa no este en condiciones.

4) Come mucho chocolate.

5) Invita amigos con chicos a tu casa a pesar de que hagan liу.

6) Siйntate en el pasto a pesar de que ensucie tus pantalones.

7) No compres algo solo porque durara mucho tiempo o porque es practico, hazlo porque quieres.

8) Quйdate en cama relajado si te sientes enfermo y no pretendas que el mundo no puede continuar sin ti por un dнa.

9) Prende las velas que tienes de adorno en el salуn y dйjalas encendidas. No las dejes sin uso en el armario.

10) Comparte responsabilidades de la vida con un compaсero, no solo las expensas.

11) (Para las mujeres) En vez de esperar al embarazo a que se termine, disfruta cada momento en tu corazуn. Aprende que la vida dentro de ti es la ъnica oportunidad que tienes de ayudar a Dios a crear magia.

12) Deja que tus hijos de abrasen y besen cuando quiera que lo deseen. No los detengas por ninguna razуn como: "mas tarde", "ve a lavarte las manos", "deberemos comer" o demбs.

13) Di las prуximas dos frases lo mбs seguido que puedas: "Te Amo" y "Lo siento."

14) Deja de preocuparte por quien te quiere o no te quiere, o que tiene quien o no tiene.

15) Valora todas las relaciones humanas personales.

16) Juega con una mascota cuando puedas. Riete y corre con ella y toma parte en sus juegos.

17) Pasa el mayor tiempo posible con la gente que te quiere.

18) Deja de transpirar por todos los pequeсos detalles y problemas sin sentido de la vida.

19) Toma cada momento, mнralo y dйjalo. Nunca volverб de nuevo.

La persona que escribiу estos sabios consejos se llamaba Susana, y tenia una hija de seis aсos. Susana enseсo estos ideales bбsicos a un conocido mнo y yo los he tratado de seguir tambiйn en honor a su memoria. Creo que puedo decir que convertirб a quienquiera que lo haga en una mejor persona, un mejor esposa o esposa, y en general una persona mas feliz. Inclusive ahora creo que D'os ha bendecido a cada uno de nosotros, y deberemos aceptar estas bendiciones e intentar buscar sentirnos mas fuertes fнsicamente, mentalmente, y emocionalmente. Recuerda que todos tenemos la suerte de estar aquн, y aprovechar vivir la vida de la mejor manera posible, asн que consejos para esa receta nunca estбn de mas.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

What makes a good hotel in barrow

What makes A Good Hotel in Barrow?

Many people stay in hotels in Barrow for special occasions or events. Tourists save to take a vacation and a major part of the expense is from hotel bills. Important or once-in-a-lifetime personal or business events are usually held in hotels. People who want to get away but do not want to go so far, stay in hotels.

Whatever your reason, your hotel experience will be part of your vacation, your important once-in-a-lifetime event, or your business meeting. Due to the importance of the occasions and/or reasons for staying in a hotel, it is important to choose a good hotel in Barrow.

What is a good hotel? Hotels in Barrow are classified according to the size, facilities and services offered. But even among hotels of the same category, there are outstanding ones and there are poor ones. A hotel which provides a worry-free experience to its guests will be long remembered as a good hotel, so what makes a hotel stand out among the rest?

- The staff - They are the most important asset of a good hotel. They are the ones who communicate with the guests and who go out of their way to accommodate and attend to their needs.

- Hotel facilities in a good hotel should be well maintained, especially the toilets.

- Small features that make the lives of the guests like a safe for valuables, hair dryer, clock, television, big mirror, conveniently located power sockets.

- Freebies in the room like free coffee, tea, fruits, or candies. They cost little but gives a caring impression to the guests.

- Good food in a wide variety and generous servings.

- Conveniently-located and comfortable beds. Think of the comfort to the guests if light switches and telephones are easily reached without getting up from the bed.

- Security: Guests should feel secure and safe, Are the door knobs all in good condition? How about the windows? The fire exit location should be identified.

-Some reading materials for guests who need to rest first before sleeping.

- A survey sheet in every room or a suggestion box in the lobby and in every function room. This would enable the guests to communicate their complaints to the hotel decision makers. That they have informed the hotel staff of their complaints would make them want to come again to see if their suggestions have been acted upon.

The gift of add gremlin or ipod

Through out the online ADD Community there is some what of an on going debate about whether ADD is a gift. ADD expert Edward Hallowell describes ADD as a gift that needs to be unwrapped. I like to think of ADD more like one of those gifts that I have unwrapped but just have no idea what to do with. It's also like one of those gifts that I didn’t ask for but somebody just felt the need to give to me.

ADD reminds me of the movie Gremlins. If I remember correctly Gizmo was a cute fun little guy but had to be cared for by following very specific directions. If those directions were not followed to the “T” all hell broke loose. I supposed the same could be said about a person with ADD. With proper care and feeding people with ADD can thrive. With out proper care and feeding the life of those with ADD can resemble the movie Gremlins.

Maybe ADD really is a gift that we didn’t ask for but have no choice but to keep. Maybe all we need is somebody who actually knows what to do with it and can teach us how to use it. Just think about a gift like an Ipod, if somebody didn’t know what it was or how to use, it would just seem like a weird piece of metal. However once somebody explains what it’s for and all of the uses it becomes so much more.

I’m not saying that ADD is really truly like a Gremlin or an iPod but there are some similarities to both of them. I guess depending on what each person does to manage his or her own ADD, he or she can compare it to another type of gift too.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Panic attack a real illness with a sense of unreality

It's like having a heart attack. Your hands feel numb, your heart is racing that you have difficulty breathing, and a feeling of terror strike suddenly and repeatedly without any warning. A panic attack is almost like a violent experience. You may feel disconnected from reality. In between attacks, there is dread and anxiety that it's going to happen again.

Panic attacks are symptoms of panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder affecting millions of adults in the U. S. today. It usually develops during the late teens and early adulthood, and may afflict twice as many women as men. However, not everyone who experiences panic attacks will develop panic disorder. While the exact cause of panic disorder is yet to be known, researchers suspect a combination of biological and environmental factors may contribute to the development of the condition. It includes family history, stressful life events, drug and alcohol abuse, and thinking patterns that exaggerated normal physical reactions.

Though panic attacks usually produce a sense of unreality, it is a real illness that can be treated successfully. It can be a truly terrifying experience and may occur at any time, even during sleep. An attack usually peaks within 10 minutes, but some symptoms may last much longer. During a panic attack, your heart will pound and you may feel sweaty, weak, faint, or dizzy. Your hands may tingle or feel numb, and you might feel flushed or chilled. You may have nausea, chest pain or smothering sensations, a sense of unreality, or fear of impending doom or loss of control.

When faced with a problem or a situation, people experience anxiety. It's quite normal to be anxious about stressful situations. However, someone who is suffering from panic disorder may react to the same pressures with an exaggerated physical reaction. This makes panic attack even more frightening because despite of the absence of real danger, episodes can still happen anytime, anywhere. It can occur while strolling in the park, chilling out with friends, shopping at the mall, and even in the middle of the night while you are sound asleep.

Fear of having another attack usually haunts a person suffering from panic disorder. Such fear can severely affect daily activities. There are people who would refuse to leave their houses for fear of becoming vulnerable to such attacks, or they try to avoid being reminded of previous attacks. Over time, they may develop other mental disorders or phobia, such as agoraphobia or the fear of being outside of known and safe surroundings.

Panic disorder is often accompanied by other serious problems, such as depression, drug abuse, or alcoholism. The good news is that there is a wide variety of effective treatments for panic disorder available. Some of the better known treatments are called psychotherapy or talk therapy, cognitive, or biofeedback therapy. These methods were developed to help alter a person's response to triggers. Other treatment options include the use of antidepressant medications and beta-blockers. A change in lifestyle, such as limiting caffeine and having a daily fitness regimen, can also help reduce symptoms of panic disorder.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Search for an internet business

When beginning a search for a profitable internet business most budding entrepreneurs will start thinking about selling a product online. After all, that is the business model most of us know. The store down the street has shelves stocked with items ready to be purchased. This is a system that we know works.

The first step in exploring this type of e-commerce would be to go to the search engines (Google, Yahoo, Ask. com).Just plug in the items you would be excited to sell and watch the results roll in. There will be thousands of websites popping onto your computer screen prepared to provide virtually any item a customer could desire.

Do you have a fresh prospective on an item that would entice customers to buy from you?

Do you have a line on a local or unique product that may not be universally available?

Are you able to purchase and store an inventory for your new business?(There are companies that will enable you to use their inventory as your own, and even ship directly to your customers called "Dropshippers")There is, however, a profit penalty to be paid for dealing with one item at a time. Buying in bulk is less expensive and leads to greater profit.

If you are still considering this type of e-commerce I commend you for your perseverance.

I'll assume you have chosen a product that you will be thrilled to deal with each day, and that you believe will be popular enough for others to covet. I'll also assume that you have handled the inventory issues. Now I have one more hurdle for you to consider. How will you construct a website with all the technical features needed to enable customers to select and pay for their purchases? Once all of these questions are answered you are well on your way to selling online.

There is another method to making money online. These are called "Affiliate programs".

These work when a customer clicks from your website to the product suppliers website and purchases a product they handle. You make a commission for referring this customer.

The best part for a new e-business owner is that your website can be built for you FREE.

All You Have to do is advertise your website so customers can find the products through you.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Florida self employed health insurance

Florida residents that are self employed and looking for health insurance have a number of options available to them. Be aware that depending upon your health, your age, and other factors unique to your particular situation there is no hard and fast rule as to which option is best for you. However, there are some general guidelines that will help you make the best Florida self employed health insurance decision.

The first Florida health insurance option available to the self employed is to simply apply for an individual health insurance policy. The benefit to applying for an individual health insurance policy is that individual health insurance rates in Florida are very competitive. You can see that first hand by viewing instant Florida health insurance quotes.

The downside to attempting to purchase an individual health insurance policy in the state of Florida is that you must be healthy. According to FL law, a health insurance company can decline your application for an individual health insurance policy based on prior medical history (pre-existing conditions), height and weight restrictions, and other health related criteria.

That means if you have cancer, diabetes, weight problems, or a host of other physical ailments then you will be denied coverage with a Florida individual health insurance policy. (Any unscrupulous agent that tries to tell you other wise is misrepresenting whatever product he or she is trying to sell you as health insurance when in fact it is probably a discount health plan or a health insurance indemnity plan with very limited coverage).

The second Florida health insurance option available to the self employed is to apply for a Florida group health insurance plan. In Florida, any group of 2 employer/employees or more is considered eligible for a Florida small group health insurance. (If it is just you: 1 self employed person functioning as a sole proprietor in the state of Florida then you have a different option open to you - see option 3 below). The benefit to applying for a Florida small group health insurance policy is that that certain health issues that can signal an automatic decline on the individual health insurance side will not signal an automatic decline on the group health insurance side.

The downside to attempting to purchase a group health insurance policy in the state of Florida is that it can be very expensive. Think of it in terms of: the more potentially unhealthy people that the insurance company has to give health insurance to (group health insurance) the higher the premiums will be as opposed to where the insurance company can pick and choose who they will accept for health insurance (individual health insurance).

The third Florida health insurance option available to the self employed is for those that are functioning as a sole proprietor. Florida self employed sole proprietors can apply for a Florida guaranteed issue small group health plan. The Florida guaranteed issue small group health plans has an open enrollment period only during the month of August.

Florida self employed health insurance can be a somewhat tricky area to navigate without the help of a licensed independent Florida health insurance agent. There are also many different ways to save money in taxes - one of which being the ability to deduct your health insurance premiums paid on Schedule C of your tax return against and up to your Schedule C income (Meaning that even if you don't itemize [Schedule A] you can still deduct your health insurance premiums paid all the way up to your Schedule C income!).

Request help from the Florida self employed health insurance experts (CPA, Certified Financial Planner, and licensed Florida independent insurance agents) by visiting RealtimeHealthQuotes. com.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How to use web directories to boost traffic to your site

You just got your website online. Everything is setup and you're ready to go. Excitement is high and the time has come to open your virtual doors to the millions and millions of Internet users around the globe. You put out the cyber welcome mat and declare your site ready for action. But, instead of sitting and watching the users trample over one another to get to your site, you see little to no traffic.

Don't worry! This is something every webmaster goes through and is to be expected. (Well, webmasters in the late 90's expected to launch their site and be millionaires the next morning, but times have changed since those wonderful days!)

But there are some quick and easy things you can do to begin building your 'link network,' which will ultimately help drive traffic to your site. Since the Internet's conception, the notion has been that sites link to one another, while web surfers click from place to place. Thus, the challenge begins: Get your site linked to as many others as possible.

You can start contacting other websites offering to trade links (but be prepared to invest a lot of time); you can buy links (but be prepared to fork out some cash); you can join link-trading programs (but be prepared to get a lot of irrelevant sites linking to you); or you can start submitting your website to web directories.

What Is A Web Directory?

A web directory is a compilation of sites organized by category or topic. Most web directories have multiple levels of categories, progressing from general to highly specific. In addition, a web directory editor will likely have to approve your site, lending it at a certain degree of credibility. Being listed in a directory ensures that if a web surfer finds their way into a specific category, they don't just see your competitors, they see you! And, if they can see your link, they can click it, producing traffic to your site.

A Web Directory Listing Helps with SEO

If you have a website, you undoubtedly know the importance of ranking well in Google and other major search engines. These search engines count links from other sites as votes for your site, which helps determine your ranking, or position in the search results. There are a lot of other parts of the algorithm and this brief explanation doesn't do it justice. However, it serves the point that links improve your ranking, and that's something every website owner needs to know.

A link in a directory that is spidered by Google (and a lot are) will count as a vote for your site. This improves your ranking, and yet again helps drive traffic to your site. It's important to note that not all directories help with SEO. Sometimes, a web directory will link to your site through a special URL that is often a programming CGI script. If the URL is not a direct link to your site, then the search engines don't count it as a vote. Therefore, it's best to pick directories that offer a direct one-way link to your site. (This way, you get more bang for your buck: traffic from the directory and improved search engine ranking.)

Relevancy Matters

If you trade links with random sites, then you are theoretically building your 'link network,' but you are sacrificing the quality of that network. Web searchers who are looking for information on a particular topic often use resources that link to a variety of sites related to what they seek. This makes web directories the perfect destination.

Since directories are categorized by topics, a person can arrive in the directory and have one-click access to a variety of resources. You definitely want to be one of those resources! Plus, when the other search engines pick up your link, it will count for more since it is surrounded by relevant content, which is most likely filled with your important keywords.

As you build your link network, you'll continue to see increased traffic. And if you use web directories as your vehicle, you are essentially paving more paths to your site. Several good submissions in popular directories will help get you rolling. The best part is that many directories are free, so this jump start won't even hurt your bottom line.

Good luck and happy submitting!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tax and school finance reform help or hindrance to the dallas schools

Securing enough funding for the Dallas schools is a problem experienced by many school districts in the United States. Most funding has become program specific, with government controlling its use and generally benefiting only a portion of the Dallas schools students. State funding has been scarce, requiring Dallas schools to rely upon local property and school taxes to cover the general needs of the schools. Additionally, federal government oversight creates a lot more administrative requirements. This means that many of the precious dollars the Dallas schools receive through government funding must be spent on administrative costs, rather than directly to benefit the students.

Recently, the Texas legislature passed new legislation for tax and school finance reform. Many are touting the law as especially good for Dallas schools. The law includes tax cuts to businesses, property tax cuts, strong taxpayer protections, and school funding and accountability improvements.

Here is how the new legislation affects the Dallas schools.

School Property Tax Control. Previously, the Dallas schools, along with other schools in Texas, could raise the school property tax rate by six cents per $100 of property every year — without voter approval. With the new legislation, any raise of the school property tax rate of more than four cents must have local voter approval. Additionally, the maximum school property tax was $1.50 per $100 of property. The new legislation will lower that maximum to $1.00 per $100 of property over the next two years.

More Accountability and Transparency. The new legislation not only requires even more bureaucracy for the Dallas schools, but they are required to make it available on the Internet. The Dallas schools will now be required to place detailed local school spending information on a web site for anyone to review. This new level of heavy oversight gives ammunition to anyone who wishes to get their name in the paper through official complaint to the legislators or even bogus court action. Some question whether this might lead to more costs to the Dallas schools to defend needed expenditures that benefit Dallas schools students, either directly or indirectly.

Teacher Compensation. On the upside, the new legislation includes a $2,000 teacher pay raise, sorely needed by Dallas schools teachers. A $250 million state teacher performance pay plan is also included in the law, of which Dallas schools will receive its portion. The performance plan is to encourage teaching innovation and excellence.

Overall, the new legislation puts $1.7 billion dollars of new money into schools across the state, dramatically increasing the state’s share of public school funding. Though this new legislation does take a burden off the Dallas schools property taxpayers by providing more state funding for general school expenditures, it does decrease the local dollars that do not carry the heavy price tag of red tape administration, as well as lowering the Dallas schools ability to raise funds locally.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Mets yankees column

At this point in the season, both the New York Yankees and the New York Mets have nearly identical records, but it is the past that makes these two franchises so different.

The eyes of the baseball world will be on the old and decrepit Shea Stadium this weekend. The two New York baseball teams will meet for the first time in 2006 as interleague play begins.

Ever since interleague play was introduced back in 1997, this cross-town match up has been the highlight for New Yorkers and a curiosity for the rest of the baseball world. No city can boast as much passion and emotion for their respective baseball teams as the Big Apple can.

Speaking from the perspective of a Yankees fan, if one was heading to the Sportsbook to make a wager on these games and wanted to pick the team that has proven itself over the years and one that is always in contention for the playoffs, your choice should be the Yankees.

Bronx Bomber fans have always hated the Boston Red Sox, but the hatred of Mets fans is more tempered with a little bit of sadness, as the team has not done anything significant since winning the World Series back in 1969.

Ok, Mets fans – you did make the World Series in 2000, but you lost to the Yankees. Does losing in a World Series really count for anything? Beyond that, the Mets have wandered woefully through many losing seasons and have suffered because of some inept management and decisions at the general manager level.

A good majority of Mets fans will have to agree that New York is a Yankee town, and the back page of the NY rags will attest to that on most days of the baseball season. I will say that I still enjoy that apple that pops up in the outfield at Shea on the occasion of a Mets homerun.

When these two teams hook up in the regular season, it does become a battle of NY. There is a pointed difference in the hatred for our rivals from Boston as compared to the boys from Queens.

In Yankee fans’ minds, the Mets do not represent much of a threat to take over the town. They have always been the step-cousin or the out-of-town uncle that comes and goes in your life with little regard paid to them. They are more of a curiosity than a constant threat.

But are things changing for the Metropolitans in 2006? They come into this series with the Yankees standing alone in first place in the National League East with a shiny record and a new team full of big money stars and a renewed sense of pride.

Everything is in place for these two local rivals to heat things up again for the next several years. The Mets have Pedro Martinez, a gentleman Yankees fans will have no problem hating. Plus, the payroll and the superstar quotient of the Mets almost equal that of the Yankees.

The Yanks have a rising star in Robinson Cano, while the Mets can counter with 3B David Wright. Carlos Delgado is the Mets big bopper, while Alex Rodriquez holds that title in the Bronx. Pedro has the scandalous background as does Jason Giambi, and both bullpens feature a large amount of money invested in closers.

This weekend’s tilt between the two teams will feature large crowds and will be important for the Mets, much more important than that series with the Atlanta Braves.

The Mets now have a good GM, good personnel, and a couple of players in the farm systems that have the potential to be great, if they are not traded away. They must now consider themselves frontrunners and shed the image of being the second most important team in a baseball-crazy town.

At one point in the winter, the Mets were a 12-1 pick to win the World Series, and now, that has been lowered to 7-1. The gap is closing between the Yankees and Mets, but in the end, it probably will not be enough. The Mets were the hot team last year, but faltered at season’s end. The Mets might still be a year or two away in the National League, having to overcome the powerful Cardinals and the flying Phillies.

Either way, the Yankees and owner George Steinbrenner know how important this series and the final set of games back in the Bronx are. It is all about image, and until the Mets can prove year after year that they are contenders and can win down the stretch, New York will always remain a Yankees town.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Home improvement deck repair and maintenance

For many American homeowners, warm weather is an invitation to take the party out to the backyard patio or deck. Before you haul out the grill and light the tiki torches, however, take some time to do a little preventive maintenance.

"This is the time to do a few simple things that will make your deck last for years," says home repair expert, Jim Rocchetta. "Plus, you'll have your outdoor environment looking great before you and your friends head outside for those backyard get-togethers."

The first step is a thorough inspection of the entire structure to ensure that it is safe and secure. Check for loose nails and screws, and either replace them or retighten them. Tighten any railings that have become loose. Then, look beneath the deck to confirm that beams and support poles remain in good working order. "If you find structural components that are loose, rotten or out of position, for your own safety, quit using the deck and call a pro in to fix the problem," says Rocchetta.

As an additional safety precaution, replace broken or rotten deck boards before they break through completely. Boards that have become bowed or warped will also need to be replaced because they hold water and make the deck surface uneven, and create another potential safety hazard. If you're replacing those boards with pressure-treated lumber, maximize the life of your deck by using stainless steel or high-grade galvanized fasteners designed to combat the corrosive effects of modern lumber treatment chemicals.

Once everything is secure, clean the deck boards with a biodegradable deck cleaner to remove dirt, mildew and algae. These environmentally friendly solvents are now commonly available and actually perform better than previously popular outdoor wood cleaners such as bleach. Even if your deck is made from a composite material, most manufacturers still recommend a thorough annual cleaning. During the cleaning process, also take a little time to sand down any spots that have become rough or splintered.

Finally, ensure your deck looks great by protecting it from mildew and water damage with a high-quality finish and preservative. There are many good products on the market. "The best preservative products contain UV-resistant compounds which will really liven up the deck surface and add a high-degree of protection from the elements," says Rocchetta.

The common cold can t live with it can t live without it

There is no cure for the common cold. This is an accepted fact. This is one of those little annoyances that people will stress over but can't do anything about. People simply have come to accept that there is such thing as a way to cure the common cold. Of course, this could tie in to the little known scientific fact that there is no single cause for the common cold. In fact, when one bothers to break things down to the appropriate level, the “common cold” is named not because it is common, but because there is a wide range of things that can cause it.

The common cold can be the product of a large number of factors, but viral and bacterial infections tend to be the most common. It is also not unusual for certain pollens to generate allergic symptoms that can be associated with the common cold. For most people, the immune system is capable of handling and fighting off the bacterial infection that can cause the symptoms, but not the pollen. This is the reason for the cold seemingly having a seasonal appearance. In reality, the pollen is interacting with the nasal passages and irritating certain components of it, causing the cold symptoms. Among the symptoms that both the pollen and the infection can cause are runny noses, mild fevers, scratchy throat, and nasal congestion. Specific causes can also have specific symptoms, but never without the “universal” list of effects.

Whether caused by viral or bacterial infections, there are also a number of potential complications and side effects that the common cold can cause. Some of these problems are opportunistic coinfections, which means that they rarely strike on their own and require that a previous illness already compromise a person's immune system. Others are superinfections, which are illnesses that attack areas of the body that have already been negatively affected by a previous infection or illness. The difference between the two is that opportunistic coinfections require that the body's defenses already be compromised, even by something as mundane as the common cold. In contrast, superinfections can affect the body regardless of whether or not the person was in a state of good health. Some of these side effects include acute bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, and sinusitis.

Logically, since there is not direct cause for the problem, there can be no cure. Medical systems around the world, whether traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, or Western medicine, need to know the cause of the problem before being able to treat it. In terms of Western medicine, there are simply too many viruses and bacteria that can cause the same symptoms and lead to the common cold. That is without taking into account the possibility of allergens such as pollen and dust. In TCM, there are also a number of possible elemental imbalances in the body that can lead to someone developing the common cold. Despite that, however, both conventional and “exotic” medical systems have various methods to help someone recover from the cold faster.

Based on the nature of the problem, as well as the rapid evolution that the cold-causing bacteria can undergo, there will likely never be a cure for the common cold. To develop a single cure for all of the possible causes of the common cold would be tantamount to making a drug that can treat virtually any sort of infection, which is a medical and chemical impossibility. Yes, treatments that help alleviate the symptoms exist and will continue to be improved upon, but a cure? Science would be more likely to discover the Holy Grail of Arthurian legend than a cure for the common cold.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Headsets the many different types

The world of headsets has evolved greatly over the last decade or so. When headsets were first invented, all of these pieces of equipment were bulky and never considered to be portable in nature. As the years have passed and technology has made headsets more compatible and have more features, these devices have become more popular. There are many different varieties of headsets. These can range from call center headsets, wireless headsets, Bluetooth headsets, and telephone headsets. No matter what the function is that you require from these devices, you will be more adept to using them now that you can find one that will fit your needs.

Call center headsets have become the mean for various operations. These operations range from emergency operation locations, to police services, fire departments, to 911 centers. The purposes and benefits of these headsets are that the person answering the phone is serving in a dual capacity. First, they are there to take the calls as they come in. Secondly, they are needed to dispatch the calls to the proper location, or they are needed to input the incident into a system to be picked up from another party. As you can see, the use of the person’s hands is needed for full operation.

Wireless and Bluetooth headsets are some of the newer devices in this range. These devices are used with your cellular phones. They are meant to allow the person talking on the phone to have use of their hands for whatever they are doing at that point in time. Most of the time, the benefits from these are seen during the operation of an automobile. It has been proven to be much safer for someone talking on their cell phone to still have the use of both their hands, as opposed to one on the phone and the other on the wheel.

Another use for headsets is for regular telephone operations. How many times have you been on the phone and needed to write something down and only have one hand? These headsets allow you to be able to conduct your business and talk on the phone at the same time. These devices have also provided a much more reliable and less invasive substitute for the speaker phone. You still have the ability to talk with no hands, but the rest of the office has no bearing on that conversation at all.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Is eye sty harmful

A sty is a pimple or abscess that forms in either the upper or lower eyelid. The medical term for sty is hordeolum(say HOR-dee-oh-lumm) and it is an infection caused by bacteria that normally live peacefully on the eyelid skin surface.

Some of thee germs get trapped along with dead skin cells inside crypts along the eyelid margin. Stys are usually superficial and plainly visible. Occasionally they can reside deeper within the eyelid.

This common infection or inflammation results from blocked glands within the eyelid. When the gland is blocked, the oil produced by the gland occasionally backs up and extrudes through the wall of the gland, forming a lump, which can be red, painful, and nodular. Frequently, bacteria can infect the blocked gland, causing increased inflammation, pain, and redness of the eye and even redness of the surrounding eyelid and cheek tissue.

The lump can point externally (outward) or internally (inward). Frequently, the lump appears with a visible whitish or yellowish spot that looks much like a large pimple.

An external sty starts as a pimple next to an eyelash. It turns into a red, painful swelling that usually lasts several days before it bursts and then heals. Most external stys are short-lived and self-limiting.

An internal sty(on the underside of the lid) also causes a red, painful swelling, but its location prevents the familiar whitehead from appearing on the eyelid. The internal sty may disappear completely once the infection is past, or it may leave a small fluid-filled cyst or nodule that can persist and may have to be opened and drained.

Stys are usually caused by staphylococcal bacteria, which often live right on the skin surface. Truth be told, our bodies are coated with billions of friendly bacteria that coexist with us. When the conditions are just right the bacteria feast on dead cells and other debris, resulting in the tender pimple.

Good hand and facial washing may prevent styes from forming or coming back.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to make a living online - and how not to

"I make a living online!"

That's a statement right? Right!

But is it a statement of fact?

Who knows?

Well, I do because I know it's true, but how do you know I'm telling the truth?

You don't of course. But there are some things you can look for that will help you decide.

How often have you seen something like:

"Make a ton of cash - now!

No selling


No stock to buy

No customers to deal with

Join our upside-down, instant-cash matrix now and get rich!

It goes without saying that the above is dubious to say the least. Yet, many people fall for ads like this on a regular basis.

So, the old saying "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is", could be words of wisdom.

Golden Rule: Go with your gut feeling.

Let's get down to brass tacks (sorry about that, my parents are English and they talk in a strange tongue which rubs off on me sometimes).

Grade these statements:

1. Anyone can make a living online!

2. You don't need capital to start a business!

3. It's much cheaper to start a business online than in the 'real world'!

4. You don't need to sell products or services to make money online!

5. You can make money instantly online!

These are my thoughts on the above:

1, 3 & 4 - generally speaking, true.

2 & 5 - generally speaking, false.

An observation about 1 above is to make a distinction between 'making money' and 'earning a living'. The former could be a one-off 5 cents, while the latter could need to be $100 per day, depending, of course on individual requirements.

My dad often say's; "you don't get owt for nowt!"

Translated into American English it means; "there's no such thing as a free lunch!"

Never invest in an opportunity that you are not sure about. Instead, find something that you are interested in and will enjoy doing. In other words; do what you like doing, and the money will follow.

"Okay Adam", I hear you say, "get to the point".

The point is this:

If you expect to make a living online without doing any work and without spending any cash upfront, go get a 'proper' job instead - preferably one that allows you to daydream a lot.

Hwever, if you're prepared to spend some time, researching, listening & learning and have allocated some kind of budget (we're not talking megabucks here), then it's perfectly feasible to make a living online.

I started an enterprise about seven months ago with $300 and it's now earning me $500 per month residual income and growing. It took some hard work and a steep learning curve at first but now it's got into gear and I could virtually leave it alone to keep increasing month on month.

The Internet is a fantastic source of information - it's up to you to find that information and decide whether it's worth using or just more 'pie in the sky'.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Wedding favor ideas finding the one you love

Wedding favor ideas can be as elusive as the perfect man – you can spend forever looking for the right one amongst a whole range that just don’t seem quite right! Traditional wedding favor ideas might seem a little too predictable, or just not quite what you had imagined. So how can you think up wedding favor ideas that are just right for you?

First of all, don’t write off all traditional wedding favor ideas too quickly – they have earned their traditional wedding favors ideas status by proving ever popular. Perhaps the perfect wedding favor idea for you and your spouse might be a traditional one, but with a personal twist of your own.

Instead of the traditional candle wedding favor idea, you might choose a novelty shaped candle that represents something personal to you. Gardeners might enjoy the wedding favor idea of a candle flower in a pot, while animal lovers might like a dog or cat shaped candle.

You will want your favors to be as unique and special as your wedding day, and what better way to find wedding favor ideas than the ones you create yourself. Make your own wedding favors ideas can be difficult to come up with, but the trick is to create something that is representative of you.

Think of make your own wedding favors ideas that speak to your own talents, or those of your spouse – card makers might create a commemorate booklet, while musicians could produce a CD, or even write a special song. The best make your own wedding favors ideas are those that will remind your guests of something special about you and your new spouse.

If all else fails, a good way to come up with new wedding favors ideas is to look at what others have used in the past – tried and tested wedding favor ideas are often the best! Think about weddings you have attended in the past – what did you, as a guest, love and hate about particular wedding favor ideas?

Just remember to find the wedding favor ideas that are meaningful to you. Because your guests will love your favor, so long as it reminds them of you and your special day.

Looking for wedding favor ideas isn’t easy, but worth it to get it right.

Bad credit loan mortgage rate and the good lender

"Blessed are the young," says Herbert Hoover, "for they shall inherit the national debt." Debt, in whatever language or guise, is bad. But what if you've incurred debts and find it hard to dig yourself out of them? Does this mean you are forever disqualified from owning a home? Some would say yes. Bad credit loan mortgage rates show otherwise.

Non-Perfect Credit

Bad credit is a term related to a credit rating system. Financial institutions label you as a bad credit risk if you have missed payments, made late payments, declared bankruptcy, or insufficient funds to pay debts, or defaulted on a loan. Credit reporting agencies are not concerned whether these actions were done willingly, or were due to financial adversities. Generally, if you have bad credit, you could be denied credit, charged higher interest rates, or have more difficulty getting future loans. If you have bad credit, getting a mortgage, let alone a bad credit loan mortgage rate, is challenging.

Help When It's Needed

While having bad credit is bad, it does not make it impossible for you to land a loan. Some companies focus on treating all of their customers as individuals, rather than just as another credit score. This is true even if one has a flawed credit history. They believe that they can find the perfect rates and terms for all individuals. These companies will try to get you a mortgage loan, even if you have experienced bankruptcy or had a foreclosure. These companies believe that by buying a house, you have already shown a degree of responsibility and achievement in life. When searching for a bad credit loan mortgage rate, these companies can help with credit approval problems, such as hard-to-prove income, an excess of existing debt, and a lack of perfect credit. Moreover, they will try to get you the best bad credit loan mortgage rate in the market.

Hidden Costs

Shopping for the best bad credit loan mortgage rate includes shopping for the best loan costs. These costs not only include the interest rate. You might also be required to deal with:

* Application fees

* Appraisal

* Broker fees

* Credit report fee

* Loan term

* Points (a point equals 1% of the amount that you borrow)

* Prepayment penalties

When you have bad credit and are applying for a mortgage loan, you are more vulnerable to inflated or phony loan costs. So, always review the costs before signing on the dotted line,

Having bad credit should not prevent you from taking out a loan mortgage. Be sure to search for the best bad credit loan mortgage rate because this will ultimately lead you to the perfect lender for you!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Proper care for your beer glasses and steins

For many beer drinkers, there’s nothing better than hearing that pop that comes with cracking open a fresh beer can. But is there an even better way to enjoy our favorite beers? Of course there is, the use of beer glasses and beer steins. Drinking from beer glasses and steins has a number of advantages over drinking your favorite beer right from the bottle or can, and it seems that people the world over are realizing this more and more. A glass or stein not only improves the taste and aroma of the beer, it improves the entire beer drinking experience. When a brew flows from the beer taps, the right choice of beer glass is essential in bringing out the maximum tastiness of the beer, but how do you continue to have a great drinking experience every time once you’ve selected your ideal container?

There are a few simple things that a caring connoisseur can do to ensure that they get the most out of their beer each and every time:

1. Whatever glass you choose, use them only for beer. Residue from other drinks may stay on or in the glass, affecting the appearance and taste of the next beer.

2. When washing beer glasses or beer steins, use hot water and a soft cloth and rinse by hand. Avoid using soap; the residue left on the glass can affect the head of the beer and therefore the taste. If you have to use soap, rub the glass with table salt to remove any soap residue and let the beer glasses or beer steins air dry before putting them up for storage.

3. When storing your glasses or steins, avoid putting them in the refrigerator or freezer. Overly chilled beer takes away from the taste by numbing the taste buds and inhibiting the full aroma to be released. A frozen glass adds to this problem by numbing the lips and mouth as the consumer drinks. It can also weaken the strength of your glasses, leading to chipped edges and lips. Then you’ll just have to throw the mugs away and get some more.

4.Avoid beer glasses that are opaque in color. The breweries carefully formulate the color of the beer and it is essential in the overall experience of drinking it. The Samuel Adams recently released a special glass that brings out the full color of their variety of flavors of beer. This is an example of how more and more people and breweries are catching on to the beer drinking experience

5. Use your own judgment and go with what you find to be your own preference. If you’ve got a sweet disposition for German beer steins, who’s to say that you won’t enjoy an American lager from it? Don’t get too caught up in the pomp of beer drinking, it doesn’t require the snobbery of being a wine connoisseur; It’s just good old beer drinking. So tip it up and enjoy a cold one every time.