Sunday, September 11, 2016

Why you should never buy from spammers

If you use the internet, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Spamming. But do you actually know its true definition? Many people don’t, they just recognize the fact that it’s annoying and potentially bad. Well, what spam indexing actually is stems from web pages that are created so that a particular website’s ranking in search engine results increases. These web pages can be nothing more than garbage and phrases stuffed into the coding that will appear as legitimate information sources when someone performs a keyword search. Shameful, but true.

Now, a take-off from spam-dexing as they call it, is the practice of spam emailing. It is a method of sending multiple, duplicate emails out in massive amounts to numerous and unfortunate recipients. How do they reach your inbox? How do they even get your email address in the first place? From you clicking on some of the spam-dexed websites as described above, and then the next thing you know, spam is being sent to you through an automated system that tracks and follows visitors from those spam-dexed sites.

Email spam usually consists of advertisements for some wonderful product or the other and are just one of those little, everyday annoyances that can be easily ignored and deleted. However, some people actually read them and worse yet, take action on them. This is not a good idea, especially if the ad is for some far-out or ‘too good to be true’ product or service from a company that you’ve never heard of.

Email spammers will use fake names and provide you with false contact information to sell you phony products. If you send them your money, you can be sure that not only will you never receive what you ordered and paid for, but that you will also never hear from them again either.

Astonishingly enough, 55 billion spam emails are sent out – worldwide – every single day. The countries that are responsible for sending out the most spam emails are the United States, Japan, Russia, China and Canada. And China is actually ranked the highest for the origination of spam emails, hosting almost 75% of all spam-dexed websites. But sadly, there just doesn’t seem to be any solution on the horizon for this ever-increasing problem.

And although legitimate spam emails (those selling real products or services, sent to you from real companies) do exist and are legal, an abundant number are not. The United States Congress has set requirements for the spammers that they must comply to in order to remain lawful. Still, there are plenty of illegal spammers out there who could care less about rules and regulations and moreover your financial well-being. And they show no sign of slowing down their activity either. So do yourself a favor and avoid purchasing items sent to you via spam emails. You work hard for your money and you deserve respect and authenticity from the people you spend it with – don’t let some shameless person take it from you.

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